District Policies


As a public-school program, Insight School of Oklahoma, Inc. (“ISOK”) is required to monitor student progress and attendance in accordance with all applicable statutes. Teachers, staff, and administration monitor student attendance.

Responsibility for compliance with state attendance statutes and regulations belongs to the parents, but the program is obligated to keep an accurate record of attendance. Excessively absent students are not meeting the expectations of ISOK and/or state law.

The first date of attendance and membership activity shall be the first date the student completes an instructional activity. ISOK shall offer a student orientation, notify the parent or legal guardian and each student who enrolls in ISOK of the requirement to participate in the student orientation prior to completing any other instructional activity.

For the purposes of attendance, instructional activities are defined as:

  • Completion of course assignments; that are used to record a grade for a student that is factored into the student’s grade for
    the term in which the assignment is completed;
  • Instructional meetings with a teacher;
  • Testing;
  • School-sanctioned field trips; and
  • Orientation.

For the purposes of attendance, on pace for course completion is completing weekly course work as assigned in order to have successful completion of the course by the end of the grading period.

  1. For the purposes of attendance, a student attending ISOK shall be considered in attendance for a quarter if the student:
    • Completes instructional activities on no less than ninety percent (90%) of the days within the quarter;
    • Is on pace for on-time completion of the course as defined by the board of education of ISOK; or
    • Completes no less than seventy-two instructional activities within the quarter of the academic year.
    • For a student who does not meet any of the criteria set forth in paragraph 1 of this policy, the amount of attendance recorded shall be the greater of: The number of school days during which the student completed the instructional activities during the quarter;
    • The number of school days proportional to the percentage of the course that has been completed; or
    • The number of school days proportional to the percentage of the required minimum number of completed instructional activities during the quarter.

For students attending ISOK for less than the full quarter, the attendance shall be determined based on a proportional amount of the required attendance policy provisions set forth herein based upon the date of enrollment of the student. For students enrolled in less than a full-time ISOK course load, including but not limited to part-time seniors, concurrently enrolled students, and students enrolled in career tech, the attendance shall be determined based on a proportional amount of the required attendance policy provisions set forth herein based upon the number of ISOK courses in which the student is enrolled.


In order to ensure the safety and academic progress of all students, Insight School of Oklahoma (ISOK) monitors participation on a daily basis. Students that do not engage in assignments on a consistent basis may be referred to a state authority, may be considered truant, and may face withdrawal from ISOK. A petition for truancy may be filed in the family’s district court of residence. The truancy case may remain open until the student re-engages in ISOK; or, the ISOK registrar receives either a confirmation of enrollment from another public-school district, or the parent completes the Intent to Homeschool form.

Any student who is not on pace for on time completion for coursework and who has not completed any instructional activities for a fifteen-school-day-period is considered truant and shall be withdrawn for truancy. ISOK will notify the legal guardian that the student has been withdrawn for truancy or is approaching truancy.


If an unexpected situation should arise and there is an extended leave of three days or more needed from courses, students must follow these steps:

  1. Determine if internet access is available (through libraries, etc.).
  2. Contact teachers and Community Family Advisor to explain the situation.
  3. Discuss class alternatives with the teachers and Community Family Advisor.

ISOK excuses student absences from school due to a physical or mental condition that impedes instruction for more than 3 school days. To be eligible for the excused absence policy, the student’s Parent/Legal Guardian must provide a written doctor’s note prior to the 10th consecutive absence. If a doctor’s note is not provided before the 10th consecutive school day of non-attendance, the student will be withdrawn for excessive absenteeism.
Contact school staff to inform of religious observances which are preventing daily schooling. Absence as related to deployment activities -A student whose parent or legal guardian is an active duty member of the uniformed services, as defined by the compact, and has been called to duty for, is on leave from, or immediately returned from deployment to a combat zone or combat support posting, shall be granted additional excused absences at the discretion of the local education agency superintendent to visit with his or her parent or legal guardian relative to such leave or deployment of the parent or guardian.

Insight School of Oklahoma shall permit the self-administration of inhaled asthma medication by a student for treatment of asthma and the self-administration of anaphylaxis medication by a student for treatment of anaphylaxis at all in person, school sponsored events, including but not limited to state testing, outings, prom, and graduation, when deemed necessary by a licensed physician. The Parent/Legal Guardian is responsible for submitting the Medication Authorization Form to the school and supplying an emergency supply of the medication. A student may self-administer prescribed asthmatic, diabetic, or anaphylaxis medication, if the self-carry/self-administration section on the Medication Authorization Form has been completed by Parent/Legal Guardian and the physician. Students with an approved Medication Authorization Form on file shall be permitted to possess and use a prescribed inhaler or anaphylaxis medication, including but not limited to an Epinephrine injector, at all times. The Medication Authorization Form will be valid for the current school year.

Students who attend school regularly and make continuous progress in their curriculum may work with their teachers to develop an alternate schedule or special accommodations for extended travel. If a student’s attendance history does not meet the attendance requirements, school staff should carefully evaluate the family’s request for flexibility. Assignments due during a family-scheduled vacation must be completed prior to the vacation, so it is the student’s responsibility to contact his or her teachers prior to this absence. Assignments that are completed late due to a family-scheduled vacation during school are subject to the late work policy. Vacation time will not be approved during the standardized testing windows.