How To Enroll


Admissions and Entrance Requirements

Insight School of Oklahoma (ISOK) is an open-enrollment public charter school. Therefore, it is open to all eligible students subject to any capacity limits allowed by law, and ISOK does not discriminate in its admissions policies or practices on the basis of race, color, national origin, creed, sex, ethnicity, sexual orientation, mental or physical disability, age, religion, ancestry, income level, disability, aptitude, academic or athletic performance, or proficiency in the English language. ISOK students must reside in Oklahoma to be eligible to enroll in Insight.

New students to the school shall be enrolled conditionally until educational records, including discipline records, from the schools previously attended by the student and other documentation are received by the school. In the event the student’s records indicate a reason to deny admission, the student’s conditional enrollment status may be revoked.

The Executive Director, or designee, may deny admission to the students in accordance with applicable law.

Grounds for Denial of Admission include but are not limited to:

  • Having been expelled from any school District during the preceding twelve months;
  • Behavior in another school District during the preceding twelve months that is detrimental to the welfare or safety of other students or school personnel;
  • Graduation from the twelfth grade of any school or receipt of any document evidencing completion of the equivalent of a secondary curriculum;
  • Failure to meet the requirements of age (students must not be over the age of 21 on or before September 1);
  • Failure to comply with state immunization laws;
  • Failure to provide proof of residency per board policy verifying residence within the boundaries of the state of Oklahoma;
  • Intentionally providing erroneous information on the application for enrollment.
