Online School FAQs

Who is eligible to attend Insight School of Oklahoma (ISOK)?

Any student in grades 6–12 aged 21 and younger who resides in Oklahoma.

What does it cost to attend ISOK?

Does ISOK provide textbooks and other instructional materials?

What subjects will my child study?

Can my child work at their own pace?

What if my child is behind on credits or failing classes?

What is the attendance policy?

Can our family take a vacation during the school year?

How much time will my child spend online?

We expect that middle school students will spend more than 60 percent of their time online. High school students will spend 80+ percent of their school time on the computer. Students also do hands-on science experiments, read novels, and complete math problems that are done without the computer.

How do students interact socially?

Students spend time with classmates online and through school outings, field trips, and other activities. In addition to school-based clubs, K12 online national clubs help connect students with like interests and passions.

If my student has been expelled from another school, can they enroll at ISOK?

Each case will be reviewed based on records from your current or former school district. As an Oklahoma public school, ISOK may honor current expulsions from another district. Approval for enrollment will not be granted until the case is reviewed.

Will you be able to meet the needs of my advanced learner?

Does ISOK provide McKinney-Vento/homeless assistance and supports?